Daily Archives: February 3, 2012

Playing with the sky over Sfakia…

Today almost the whole day I was’t in the Sfakia… . well, I had no time to got around to taking photos… except now in peered afternoon… the clouds and the slowly setting sun were amusing…., , anyhow, however, I have asked myself… why it looks in the television  or cinema still much  more spectacularly….., well, and then I simply was playing  with my pictures !!

The weather was great today… it was springlike warm just a little windy…., but, the weather forecast isn’t very good for the next days… strong wind from southeaster… who will turn to southwest direction and from Monday  also the temperatures will fall…. and the next snow is announced… (bzy the way, today, unfortunately, most snow in Imbros and Askifou was gone.!!!)


And this is the result from today…. from tomorrow then I will have again other photos of the Sfakia….


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Posted by on February 3, 2012 in Diary, sunset