Daily Archives: February 26, 2012



From tomorrow, the so-called Kathara Deftera, begins the Megali Sarakosti, 7-week Lent before Easter.

Kyra Sarakosti is an old tradition in the whole country … a woman, made of paper, with seven legs, every leg stands for one week of the Lent … she has no mouth because she is  fasting and has folded her hands for the prayer….every week you cut a leg of Kyra Sarakosti from with you can  see how many weeks its still are to Easter  ….

The Megali Sarakosti, the big Lent is the oldest Lent and dates to the  4th century….earlier she ended after six weeks, then it was extended up to the seventh week.

It is a strict Lent in that neither meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs nor sweet with butter or milk is eaten. Oil may be eaten only on the week-ends … who has of course problems with his health, the one or other can be changed, use oil or even some milk for example. on several days.

I myself do not fast and I have always thought that at not so many do t fast and if that these are then the older women, indeed, it does not hit at all  … there are also an amount of youngsters who believe in it and really fast!!!

The “Miss Sarakosti” I tried today by my own…











postscript….I just decided also to fast… I am agog how and if I hold out!!!

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Posted by on February 26, 2012 in Celebrations, Diary, Traditions


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