Daily Archives: February 27, 2012

Lykos Bay…

Today morning my Kosta had to do something in Lykos bay… and because it is a little bit stormy , he could not come across as usual by the boat today… and thus we went by the car to Lykos… I must confess, I was not sad  at all about that…, finally, nevertheless, I also came once there!!!

At the beginning the weather wasn’t so badly… the sun something looked even from time to time , there I still had hope for our dragon, we should have taken him better to Lykos…. then it became worse and worse and  it started to rain…. on the way back there was a very  thick fog in Anopolis…. shortly before Chora Sfakion then it became better again….

Today as a special exception  I would like to give  a dedication to a contribution …. and  I dedicate this contribution here to somebody I hopefully will get know  this year, after some trys in the past  …. for that my best regards to WatsonWolf 🙂


Posted by on February 27, 2012 in Diary


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Kathara Deftera

Kathara Deftera

With the Kathara Deftera (clean Monday) ends in Greece the carnival time and begins the Sarakosti, the Easter Lent …. a day the people normally are going out in the nature and a very known ritual at Kathara Deftera is the dragon’s dough. With the dragon you chases away all signs of the winter and receives the spring ….all together its  called also Κούλουμα Koulouma., unfortunately it si not possible today  ….the first time since I  am now in Sfakia, it rains at Kathara Deftera ….und this is damn a pity ….we had pleased us thus about the dragons, still have quite coloured from the last year!! (below of that time are also the pictures you will see  … unfortunately, none topical possible)

Quite especially at the Kathara Δeftera you eat a certain kind of bread, the so-called Lagana ….also Halva … Taramas … and the Fasolada (stew with white small beans, because Lent it is without oil) …it’s said  this Monday  also is called clean Monday  because they clean up everything of carnival time  … above all the pots frying pans etc. to make them   ready for the Lent.

As I said the pictures are from last year..IF it will be a little better later on, we will try it with the dragon, and I will post pictures later….

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Posted by on February 27, 2012 in Celebrations, Diary, Weather


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