Tag Archives: fishermen

Evening meeting on the sea….

Nearly every evening if it admits the weather you see some people going out with their boats to the sea for fishing squids (kalamaria) …

The best time for the squids is from October to March…. shortly before sundown they came along  on the way to the sea…. they are  fishing with a fishing rod or a certain fishing line… they uses for it a certain artificial squid jigs…. you can see one at the photos …. many have also attached in their boats at the side a small lamp….

Later, on the plate the squids come in the most different variations, one better than other. whether deep-fries, grilled, cooked with rice or potatoes and even with the ink…. whether braised with onions and tomato sauce…. however you will cook it , it is a pleasure!!!


The pictures from the fishermen and the sunset are from yesturday…

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Posted by on February 19, 2012 in Diary, sunset


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