Tag Archives: springday

A springday…..

It is really great weather today…. the sun is shining with all her power , it is calm…. only some few clouds at the sky…. and anyhow a very springlike mood…. Sunday, the first visitors come to Sfakia… for a small excursion thus to a nice day…fishermen are sitting in the harbour and are fixing their stuff…a boat comes into the harbour, probably from Loutro….the birds are flying and twitter….you can see butterflies and more and more plants start to blossom…also the cats enjoy lying and resting in the sun….I know, this can change fast again, the winter hasn’t past yet….but just lets enjoy every day which is as nice as today….


I have taken just a few photos from both sides of the village…

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Posted by on February 19, 2012 in Diary, Weather


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