Tag Archives: sunset

Evening meeting on the sea….

Nearly every evening if it admits the weather you see some people going out with their boats to the sea for fishing squids (kalamaria) …

The best time for the squids is from October to March…. shortly before sundown they came along  on the way to the sea…. they are  fishing with a fishing rod or a certain fishing line… they uses for it a certain artificial squid jigs…. you can see one at the photos …. many have also attached in their boats at the side a small lamp….

Later, on the plate the squids come in the most different variations, one better than other. whether deep-fries, grilled, cooked with rice or potatoes and even with the ink…. whether braised with onions and tomato sauce…. however you will cook it , it is a pleasure!!!


The pictures from the fishermen and the sunset are from yesturday…

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Posted by on February 19, 2012 in Diary, sunset


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She is comes closer and closer….

The sun comes closer and closer… more exactly said if the sun sets down  for us here to Chora Sfakion she is getting  closer and closer the coast…. not all too long and for a certain time we do not see her  any more sinking  in the sea but behind the mountains of Loutro….


Yesterday I have gone for the sundown to the new harbour….

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Posted by on February 14, 2012 in Diary, sunset


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..when the sky is burning….

Today in the late afternoon I was  a little bit on the way…. just a few metres outside from Chora Sfakion, onthe road to Anopolis…. the icy Vorias doesn’t matters at all with this great event ….


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Posted by on January 30, 2012 in Diary, sunset


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As long as the sun is sinking into the sea….

As long as the sun is sinking into the sea, I simply cannot stop to take photos of the sunset…. also last night itwas so wonderful again!!!!  And the Samaria ferry just arrived during the sunset….

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Posted by on January 28, 2012 in Diary, sunset


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Colours of the sunset…

Today it has lasted with my diary entry…, but however, we just simply have the sunset in the evening …. and everything shines in the nicest colours….!!!!

Today it was a cold rainy day and rather stormy again…the same we porbably will have the next days…and it will get colder….


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Posted by on January 25, 2012 in Diary, sunset


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It’s raining today….

It is raining now   since tonight and if I look out of the window, it propably will not change today …. also the weather forecast announced  rain for the whole day. So I have decided, today I show you pictures  which I have taken two days ago…. Evening our…. the sun sets  slowly…. fishermen are boating out of the harbour….  the sky, the mountains, the sea and the houses shine in the nicest colours….


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Posted by on January 21, 2012 in Diary, sunset


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Today something from yesturday…

Yesturday we had, as so often, a wonderful sunset…I didn’t want to withhold the pictures from you!!

The most beauty at the sunset in wintertimes its because the sun disappears in the sea…in the summertime she disppears behind the mountains above Loutro, well thats also nice but not as much as in wintertime with the sun over the sea and a red light reaching until the beach, thats just perfect!!

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Posted by on January 4, 2012 in sunset

