Tag Archives: Samaria

The Samaria struggles with the waves…

Yesterday it was still rather stormy and in peered afternoon  I saw how the Samaria ferry courageously struggles with the waves and went to Loutro…..also somebody from Loutro  has dared still by his small boat courageously behind the Samaria to come in her shade also safeto Loutro….



Unfrotunatly I still have big problems with my internet connection….

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Posted by on April 22, 2012 in Diary, storm, Weather


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Today we were on the way… we made a miraculous excursion… we went on the Omalos Plateau…. s… already shortly after Canea very impressively the big orange lantations…. then Lakki… a nice small village…. and then it became again rougher in the nature… high and higher…. the first snow in the street edge…. and then there she was stright before us… the Omalos Plateau…. partly with snow covered…. we drove directly up to the entrance of the Samaria Gorge… such a  silence… no human soul… only the wind was to be heard…. the view in gorge on Gingilos the rest of the Levka Ori… wonderful moments….which you simply must enjoy!!!! We remained there quite a while and simply let the moment work on ourselves…..

Then we went  further on… we went in the direction of the west… along a small lake and until we left the Omalos Plateau and in direction to Soughia… the further we went down it became again more and  more green again…. and scarcely high on top in the mountains and then suddenly down at the sea…. nothing got rid in Soughia…. some of the shops were already prepared for the season… a round up to the harbour and we also broke on….. I wanted to drive absolutely again the distance to the Omalos… once again there up… once again the street to Lakki….. it is just too nicely……

For sure  on the distance we have driven today there are some  places of interest… We did not want monastrys or something like that…. we wanted to enjoy JUST the nature… and this has also succeeded us… an unforgettable day…..


Posted by on March 22, 2012 in Uncategorized


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